andy bell

The history and practice of anti-fascism

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Your tour guide is a wanted terrorist…

How a Searchlight investigation into a tour guide company first exposed links between the National Front and London-based Italian fascists wanted for terrorism.

It was the Summer of 1983 and from somewhere – no-one can quite remember where – Searchlight had obtained a small leaflet and business card advertising guided tours of London. The tour company was called Heritage Tours. But from the start it looked very odd…

The names on it belonged to known fascists. One was Nick Griffin, later to lead the NF and the BNP. The address too was linked to the National Front.

And it offered guides who spoke English, German French…and Italian.

Well, we knew London-based UK fascists who could offer German and French. But who might the Italian speaker be?

As it happened, my Italian friend, Michele Zacchi was visiting London for the Summer. He wrote for Il Manifesto and was a good friend of Searchlight. When he arrived, I said “Michele, you’re going on a tour of London.”


He called the number on the leaflet and spoke to an English man, explaining that he wanted a tour in Italian.

“Roberto, it’s for you…” called out the chap on the other end.

And this is what happened:

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About Me

I’ve been an active anti-fascist since 1974, working for Searchlight magazine from 1975 till 1989. From 1983 till 1989 I was its editor and co-wrote ‘The Other Face of Terror’, with Ray Hill, the celebrated Searchlight infiltrator into the European neo-Nazi movement. After that, and for the next 20 years, I worked as an investigative journalist with ITV’s World in Action and the BBC’s Panorama. I blog about the history and practice of anti-fascism, especially in the UK.
